Internet is my GOD
Ok chill, normally I use every web side that GOOGLE gives me, I check until page 12 or I search in GOOGLE IMAGES . But I check two web sides frecuently. One of them is "PLATAFORMA ARQUITECTURA". When I need some ideas to do my proyects, I search in this page because It has a lot of buildings and desings in different parts of the world. It includes plans, sections, facades, AXOS and sketches. So this page helps me to find more oficial information like models and finished buildings. Specially when teachers demands me references. (So annoing, Its my information, The thing that I do with it It's MY PROBLEM).
The other page is PINTERST, I use this page more than PLATAFORMA ARQUITECTURA, I think Its less formal and no oficial, so the imagination is free. I like the stetic they use and that is exactly the thing that I want to find, more desing and crazy ideas. I think the propouse is inspire you, instead of giving you solution because the problems are never same.
In my opinion is more funny search information anywhere, all information is good.
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